Thursday 30 October 2008

29 October 2008 - Maidstone Hospital

'Junior Baldie' arrived at Maidstone Hospital today. Weighing in at 8lb 6oz, the little lad and his Mum had done well to avoid the peak Autumn migration season - something that I realy shall be eternally grateful for.

With the Green Heron still in Kent, perhaps I should get him off to a flying start. No, that won't work - he'd only rebel against something that was forced on him. No, I'll play the old reverse psychology game, force football upon him and not tell him about the great natural history al around him - that'll get him birding! We'll see.


Tony Morris said...

Might not be the peak, but it the time of the real goodies!

The Bald Birder said...

Tony, You're absolutely right, of course, many a goodie has been found late Oct and in to November. It's just teh sheer number of rarities that I've seen earlier in October that concerned me. I have, however, come up with a more simple solution - we're going to tell the little lad that his birthday is 10 December. We'll keep thi sgoing until about his 18th birthday, when we'll say, "Sorry Chap, you that we've been celebrating your birthday in December - it's actually 29 October!". He won't actually miss his birthday - just, er, .... have it delayed a bit. What do you think? Ross