Almost thirty years ago (23/12/90) my father drove down from Cambs to visit me for a Sunday's birding trip in Kent - neither of us had seen a Glossy Ibis before, so we headed to Stodmarsh in the hope of catching up with the incredibly long stayer that was regularly viewed from the Lampen Wall.
I can still vividly recall seeing the Ibis fly in and land on a small island - I borrowed another birder's scope (I have no idea why) and put it on the Ibis which was clambering up a small willow on the island. Eager to get Dad on the bird, I ask the scope owner if he minded if Dad could see it next. "Of course!" was the reply and Dad duly moved round and got excellent views of this southern wanderer. Having had his fill, Dad moved away for the scope owner to then enjoy the same view - which he did, minus the Ibis which had walked or flown off and was never seen again...!
Glossy Ibis - Dungeness RSPB entrance track
I tend not to run around for 'seconds', but have made a few half-arsed attempts at seeing more UK Glossy Ibis, especially in Kent - and, somewhat embarrassingly, I have missed every single one!
Glossy Ibis - Dungeness RSPB entrance track
Today, the Ibis gods aligned and one of the first birds I clapped eyes on when I arrived at Dunge was this long-staying bird - phew! Only on show for thirty seconds, the bird then took off and flew to a nearby ditch before landing out of sight. Still, at least I'd had my luck and a few record shots to boot.
A few other bits of the day included lots of super-fast Golden Plover, some very smart Wigeon and a late Common Darter.
Glossy Ibis - Dungeness RSPB
Common Darter - Dungeness (Trapping area)
Wigeon - Rye Harbour Nature Researve
Little Egret - Rye Harbour Nature Reserve
Golden Plover: Dungeness RSPB
Herring Gull - Rye Harbour Nature Reserve