Least Yellow Underwing

Small Rivulet

Nutmeg - at least, that's what I think it is. Another individual that was caught on the brickwork and not in the trap.

Lychnis - A couple caught last night and nice to compare with the Campion caught a few evenings ago.

Lychnis 2

Is this another Lychnis? I don't think it is, but I don't know what it is!

Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing - Just making sure it isn't a Langmaid's (which I think this picture shows it isn't).

Early Thorn - The sleeping one from yesterday was accidently kept for longer. So a few more snaps taken.

Copper Underwing

Underwing of a Copper Underwing - just showing it isn't a Svensson's Copper Underwing.

Micro time

Max - finding stuff again

Grasshopper - a Max find (and I need my other books to help me on this one).

Another Common Blue
And finally - this wee fella caught my eye as it wondered across the patio. All of 2-3mm long (at most) - ID help appreciated!