Spent a pleasant couple of hours moffin in Orlestone Forest - trying the same track and same patch of bracken as we caught the Latin on last year (10/7/15).
Lots of wee micro mystery moths as well as some of my favourite macros - Scallop Shell, Scorched Wing, Blotched Emerald, Red-necked Footman, Orange Moth, Scarce Merveille du Jour and, er, ...pugs!
Lots of Mottled Beauty - and one, much smaller Willow Beauty (which exhibited a nice set of antennae that weren't good enough for Feathered). Of course, no Latin - but that won't stop me from trying again soon!
Blotched Emerald |
Red-necked Footman |
Beautiful Carpet |
Orange Moth |
Scarce Merveille du Jour |
Gold Swift |
Common Wave |
Double Square-spot |
Double Square-spot |
Willow Beauty |
Willow Beauty |
Mottled Pug (I think) |
Green Pug |
Grey Pug (I think) |
Argyresthia brockeela |
Bee Moth (it looked 'fresh' but so very different to previous normal Bee Moths - thanks Dave) |
Mompha ochraceella |
Coleophora spp |
Morophaga choragella |
Micro 5 - tortrix spp. A stubby little f...fella |
Micro 6 - Lozotaeniodes formosana?? |
Phtheochroa inopiana |
Micro 8 - Syncopacna larseniella (definitely, maybe possible...) |
Micro 9 - Archips xylosteana - I think... |
Micro 10 - Anania lancealis?? |
And if you've waded through this post far enough to read this, I salute you. If nothing else, you should sleep well tonight now...
Hi Ross,
comment against correct post this time...
yes, to brockeella
micro 1 Bee moth
Micro 2 small and subtle is Mompha ochraceella
Micro 3 Coleophora sp
Micro 4 Morophaga choragella
Micro 7 Phtheochroa inopiana
more to come
Dear Dave - many thanks for that. Much appreciated. I can see the Bee Moth now - but I couldn't... Alas, my moment of fame with a new spp awaits! :-) Regards, Ross
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