The natural history exploits of Ross Newham - and the ultimate cure for insomnia!
Saturday, 31 January 2009
31 January 2009 - Aylesford
Saturday, 24 January 2009
24 January 2009 - East Malling
Elsewhere on site, this fine male Fieldfare showed well on the top of the apple trees - admired by many and doubtless eyed-up by the local Sparrowhawks that were buzzing around.
And finally, one Waxwing seen today in a brief check by East Malling Church. Fantastic wee beasties if you ask me, such a pleasure to have them on site for such a prolonged spell and so pleasing that they have performed (on occasion) for the visiting birders. I just can't enough of Waxwings - and I'm sure that Adam agrees!!!
Waxwing - my favourite bird (at the moment!)
Ken - Nice to meet you mate. I hope we can lure you back to East Malling for other birds soon - or the King and Queen for a pint!
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
21 January 2009 - Operation Waxwing
And the result.....
...... wait for it........
One Little Egret. Oh, and let's not forget that two Mute Swans arrived on the lake today (and not even a ****ing Whooper Swan amongst them).
The Barnacle Goose hasn't been around for a couple of days.
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
20 January 2009 - East Malling
Monday, 19 January 2009
19 January 2009 - various points around East Malling, Kent
I phoned Adam whilst counting, 20, 21, 22 ish. Adam was suitably gripped - and very polite and complimentary about the find. Whosh, and they departed North, just as I got to 26 birds in total. Steadily they tracked towards The House of The Bearded One, but then changed West and dropped a bit. Collecting the Bearded One we were in hot pursuit - one complete lap of East Malling and no sign - bugger!
After dropping the Bearded One off near his car, I returned to the office. Handbrake, neutral, car door open, step out and hear lots of little trilling sounds from the tree the other side of the walled garden - open car door, extract bins and confirmed ID - the Waxwings.
I then shot round to Garner Drive and had the birds coming down to Viburnum berries - nice.
Several Siskins heard calling - doubtless Adam will arive, miss the Waxwings but get cracking snaps of Siskins....
Sunday, 18 January 2009
18 January 2009 - West Hythe and Camber
After our fill of the Night Heron and a Sunday roast, we headed down to Camber for the King Eider. It's probably accurate to say I didn't have the correct attire on - I'd not taken a coat with me - but most folk on the sea front were hardly spending a great deal of time examining this arctic wonder.
Saturday, 17 January 2009
17 January 2009 - Larkfield Lakes
Sunday, 11 January 2009
11 January 2009 - East Malling
The first walker to be heading towards me was soon ID'd was Kent Butterfly Recorder, Mike Easterbrook - thankfully the birds sat firm as Mike walked underneath them.
A few Bramblings on site as we headed back. As we neared the Church, Adam walks towards us with what he claims to be pictures of one of the Waxwings taken at point blank range - nice one Adam, I'm sure I've seen that image in a book somewhere!!!!!
Saturday, 10 January 2009
10 January 2009 - East Malling and Larkfield Lakes
Highlights included:
6 Green Woodpeckers in the net at one time
1 female Brambling
2 Fieldfare
1 Jay
30 Redwing
Friday, 9 January 2009
9 January 2009
Adam mentioned an unconfirmed report of a Waxwing on site - the first for several years. On returning back to my office, sure enough one Waxwing readily located along the road, in the top of a tree. The bird was then disturbed by walkers and couldn't be relocated, but is there somewhere....
Later I went back to try and take a picture while Adam wasn't around - only to find Adam, attempting exactly the same thing, and no Waxwing!
Thursday, 8 January 2009
8 January 2009 - Nr Adam's Office, East Malling
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
7 January 2009 - East Malling
Friday, 2 January 2009
2 January 2009 - Scotland, Cleveland, Kent
I had missed the Welsh bird as its appearance had coincided with my first wedding anniversary. Having left work the Friday afternoon when news first broke, I dipped that evening and eventually at midday on the Saturday had to jack it in to meet up with the Good Lady Wiff. It was as I got to Reading that news of its reappearance came through on the pager.
If that wasn't bad enough, I stood around like a lemon at Beddington Sewerage Farm with several others and for several hours the day after it was found there by Johnny Allan.
Glaucous-winged Gull - the only bird that I've (so far) missed cos of family.
So fast forward to 1st Janualry 2009 - interesting news indeed. We were due to head south on 2nd or 3rd of January, and had been contemplating a trip to see Barnacle Geese on the West coast and then visit friends in Cheshire... On the Thursday night plans were on hold and a mega alert at 10.11am changed our plans for good - the East coast route it was.
With a wee spog needing feeding, changing, etc and saying goodbye to relatives who wouldn't see the little lad until the Summer, I had to bide my time till departure at 11am. The sat nav said an arrival time of 15.00 hours - this was surely going to be tight (we made provisional plans for overnighting in Cleveland) and set out.
The world and his wife were on the roads around Edinburgh, every time I made up a few minutes I then lost a few in traffic. A stop for petrol; a stop to fill the washer bottle - these were all costing time. The sun hadn't ventured very high in to the sky as was now slipping ever further towards the horizon - a Cleveland bed seemed the only option, especially as the bird hadn't been since since 11 something this morning.
Was it the most attractive bird I've ever seen? No
Was it at the most attractive site in the UK? No
Will it get accepted by the BBRC? Gulls are difficult - I am sure that its journey will not be straight forward, so let's not count our chickens too early.

But, for the time being at least, Glaucous-winged Gull sits on my UK list - and that makes me smile! (photo from Newton Stringer blog - thank you!)