Friday, 25 February 2011

25 Feb 2011 - Didcot, Oxon

My first successful catch of 2011 in the back garden - the previous night being a blank.

First up was this superb Oak Beauty - a great find, not in the trap, but on the patio window having been attracted to the light.

Oak Beauty
Common Quakers
Common Quaker
Boring little thing - a Oecophoridae perhaps?

Sunday, 20 February 2011

20 Feb 2011 - A small wood outside Didcot

A little bit of mothing following the arrival of Miss Junior Baldie in to this world on Wednesday (16th Feb) - weighing in at 7lb 13oz.

This Small Quaker was a welcome find in a trap that only had 5 moths in it (1 x Pale Brindled Beauty and teh following moths).

Small Quaker
Acleris ferrugana
Tortricodes alternella (only 2 caught)

Saturday, 5 February 2011

5 February 2011 - A small wood outside Didcot, Oxon

Though the wind did blow, mild temperatures and hopefully no rain proved too much of a lure - surely the wind wasn't going to be too bad within a wood. Being woken up during the night owing to the strong winds and being greeted in the morning by heavy drizzle, things weren't looking very good - and what was going to be of interest at this time of year anyway?

- a new species for me and my first Noctuid of the year
Dotted Border - an expected addition with several of these being caught around the area
Chestnut - and a second Noctuid for me in 2011
Spring Usher - these are great wee beasties, coming in a multitude of colour forms
Spring Usher
Spring Ushers - showing just some of the variation on over!

Pale Brindled Beauty
Torticodes alternella