Had a morning visit to the BBOWT's Warburg Reserve - managed to fit in a wee bit of pond dipping resulting in 1 Palmate Newt amongst 10 Smooth Newts. Several Odonata remained unID'd...
Arrriving home, found a 7-spot Ladybird with this parasitic wasp larva on its back + rear. An hour later and the parasite had spun his (or her) little cocoon underneath the ladybird (I'll take another snap tomorrow) and was about to begin the process of transforming in to a wee wasp.
Parasitised (Dinocampus coccinellae) 7-spot Ladybird |
Palmate Newt (with filament end to tail + palmations) |
Odonata spp |
Odonata spp - Broad-bodied Chaser perhaps? |