Caterpillar spp legging it across the path. Smart, parhaps not pretty, but just smart, I shall await suggestions on the ID.
The natural history exploits of Ross Newham - and the ultimate cure for insomnia!
Monday, 29 September 2008
29 September - East Malling
Caterpillar spp legging it across the path. Smart, parhaps not pretty, but just smart, I shall await suggestions on the ID.
28 September 2008 - Blue Bell Hill
26 Sept 2008 - East Malling
More Spids - Whate-crossed Garden spid? Certainly, we're heading for that time of year when pic os spiders webs can soon be taken.
Now I'm guessing that this is a Myathropa florae - on account of the pale areas on the thorax.
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
20-22 September 2008 - North Ronaldsay
The week 15-19 Sept was always going to be difficult for me with meetings around the country from Monday to Friday. Thus, when news broke on Thursday evening of an American Redstart at Mizen Head, Ireland, I was in no position to make a move west to catch a glimpse of the little gem. This, I have to say, was a great shame for me, as I’ve ringed hundreds of Am Redstarts in Jamaica and I’d dearly love to see one on this side of the Atlantic.
It was during a meeting on Friday 19 September that mega-alert broke news of a Cretzschmar’s Bunting on North Ronaldsay. By the time I was out of the meeting, it was doom and gloom on the phone to birders and plane charter companies – seemingly this was one bird and one island too far.
Early Saturday morning and the surprising news (given the clear skies) that the bird was still present. By 8am I’d drawn a blank – though trying, my final low point was when Pete Davies phoned again whilst birding in sunny Essex to ask if I’d made any progress, “No I f**** hadn’t”, I gave up completely.
Five minutes later and inspired by Pete’s comment and a conversation with Adrian Teapot, operation ‘We must be barking’ was put in to place:
Drive to Guildford – collect Zebedee
Drive to Warwick – collect Neil Howzat and Tony Sheepdog
Drive to John O’Groats – meet the six other lunatics
Go as foot passengers on the ferry to South Ronaldsay
Climb aboard a pre-arranged minibus
Drive to Kirkwall
Board a fishing vessel and power out to North Ronaldsay
Shortly after 2pm on Saturday, with my stomach in knots, I kissed the Good Lady Wiff goodbye and drove away from home, due West to Guildford. By 4am on Sunday morning we were in the car park at John O’Groats (for a nice nights kip on to gravel), at 9am we had all met up and were aboard the ferry and enjoying fabulous numbers of Tysties, Bonxies and Gannets.
Our minibus arrived at precisely the same time as we docked and sped us via the superb White-billed Diver to Kirkwall. At 10.30am we were all aboard the MV You’ve-Got-to-be-Joking and bound for North Ron. Eventually, after many false alarms, North Ron appeared on the horizon and slowly made its way towards us.
We’d phoned the obs in advance, the staff of which met us at the harbour and transported us (past Evan and Heard) to Sangar – the temporary home to a male Cretzschmar’s Bunting!
Or at least, it had been home to a male Cretzschmar’s Bunting – but not when we arrived. The little sod wasn’t to be seen and all reports pointed to it having flown north about 30 minutes previously. 45 minutes later, there was still no sign…. Surely not – not all this way just to dip it!!!!!
I had left the others an found a Yellow-browed Warbler when, distantly, I watched as the group that I’d organised make a concerted move – a telephone call confirmed it, they were watching the bird - and I wasn’t!
As I ran back, the group split up – the bird had flown. This was going to be even worse – I faced a return trip with nine people having seen the bunting, but not me!
Thanks to Alex Lees, however, my worst nightmares did not become a reality – he relocated the bird, yet again, exactly where he said it would be and apparently shortly after two folk had just walked the same patch.
TICK! (picture by Simon Chidwick - cheers mate!)
Saying ‘good bye’ to North Ronaldsay and retracing our footsteps was all done with big smiles all round. Docking back in Kirkwall we split up to go to our various hotels and B&Bs – several pints, glasses of wine and gin & tonics later our heads hit our pillows.
Heading back to the ferry the W-B Diver was distant, but Twite put on a little demonstration for us. A few pictures taken at John O’Groats and we were off – 770 miles back to The Good Lady Wiff (if you have to go via Warwick and guildford!!!).
Going as a group, staying together, going the distance safely and seeing a great bird – this was surely one of my most enjoyable twitches ever. But please, not another twitch for a while!
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
16 September 2008 - East Malling Research Station
Monday, 15 September 2008
15 September 2008 - Airways over East Malling
Two distant Sparrowhawks and then..... an Osprey!!!!!!!!!!!
Far to far away even for my 'low quality assured' images but I was really pleased with the find, particularly as I had invited an audience to join in.
At 5.30pm Adam I ventured up to Holly Hill to look for Honey Buzzards but succeeded only in finding 38 large aircraft, 57 small aircraft (possibly various species for a really keen plane spotter), 3 hot air balloons, 1+ helicopter. Adam really excelled himself this evening and even called a paraglider - genious!
Sunday, 14 September 2008
14 September 2008 - The airways over Larkfield Lakes
Back on the the plane front, several of these also flew South on broad wings. ID was of little difficulty and could be separated from raptors on call.
About 50 Swallows logged - all heading E/SE. It was about this time that news came on the pager 'Kent Osprey flew south over New Hythe GPs at 10.58am'. Bollocks - I'd missed it. I was pleased that one had been seen - I felt justified in spending ages scanning the sky. But a bit gutted - I moved to the upstairs bedroom to get a better view of the the sky - ready for the Honey Buzzard that was surely about to appear...
Cormorant - several of these chaps put in a showing and tried to look big and dark and vaguely interesting - apart from the fact that they were Cormorants!
Immature Herrings Gulls - hundreds of these were seen over the day, all shouting 'Check me out' as they tried to look more raptor-like than the Cormorants. There were hundreds of large gulls - and today, I hated every one of them!
After gaining entry to the house, I then found this Hobby circling overhead - the latest record this year.
A Sparrowhawk then put in an appearance (and actually looks more interesting in this picture than it did in real life). But certainly no Honey Buzzards.
And then, miracle of all miracles (and a slightly bigger miracle than had already occured earlier) at 2.48 a much higher Osprey circled overhead, very slowly tracking South-East.
To have two Ospreys from the house is, in my books, pretty damn good - that three Ospreys flew over the site today is excellent. I assume the Steve Nunn got the first...
Saturday, 13 September 2008
13 September 2008 - St Margarets & Swalecliffe
A group of 7 long-tailed Tits were caught - providing me with ample opportunity to get practising with my 'extractions' (removing a bird from a net - not taking it's teeth out!).
Presumed Bloody-nosed Beetle marched past as we were packing up.
Mega-alert only went off twice while we were ringing - once for a Western Sand in Ireland and once for this Fan-tailed Warbler. After packing up the ringing session I slowly made my way to Swalecliffe. Though news on the pager sounding les than positive, the bird duly performed 2 minutes after my arrival - yo-yoing and then perching in a dried Umbellifer before another yoyo performance and its departure.
Sunday, 7 September 2008
7 September 2008 - St Mary's

A nice juvenile Little Gull was seen in amongst the Black-headed Gulls.

5 September 2008 - St Mary's Isles of Scilly
4 September 2008 – Pelagic off the Isles of Scilly
A lumpy sea provided three Grey Phalaropes whilst we were on our way to our unknown destination.
What followed was chumming, looking, more chumming and more looking before the option of visiting a trawler, about 4 miles away, was put on the table. Given the lack of interest in our self-generated (fish) oil slick, the trawler seemed interesting.
Arrival with the trawler found a large group of birds, mainly Gannets and gulls, feeding and flying around – they all seemed to trying to hide rare sea birds…
Highlights amongst the birds included a juvvy Long-tailed Skua, Sooty Shearwater, several Bonxies, Manx Shearwaters & Storm Petrels. The Long-tailed Skua is a really good bird for the Scillies and would have been a Scilly tick for me, had I not seen an earlier bird on a previous pelagic!
Sooty Shearwater
Towards the end of our stay a superb Great Shearwater made the first of several fly-by’s – OK is wasn’t a White-faced Petrel, but it was a great bird at the end of a great little family holiday.